Do you want a clean start? Why not read thru the Bible this year?
We have a fresh opportunity to make the most of this year for the Lord. Let include reading His word this year.
You say you don’t like reading? You don’t have the time? Just take a look at some of the options to get past those hurdles…
There are so many websites now that will email you God’s word on a daily basis and today will also send the audio to listen to.
You Version and Bible Gateway are among some of the popular ones.
You say you’ve read through the Bible before, Why not choose a different approach…read through the Bible by:
Our website has links to Reading Plans by Genre by reading each day of the week
As best understood how the passages may have been ordered on a timeline with hyperlinks to Bible Gateway where you can read on line.
Stay On Track
If you find it hard to read every single day consistently then try the Stay on Track reading plan. You read Monday – Friday and have the weekends free or to catch up or get ahead.
God’s Word is fresher than the morning news, take time to read what He took time to write.
Let us know if you decide to take the challenge